3-5 p.m.  The sailing meet and greet takes place on the west end of Pelican Lake. Bring friends! Be sure to bring along your sailing word*.

6 p.m.  Enjoy a potluck picnic at the Yacht Club.  Brats (both regular and turkey) will be furnished, so just bring a side dish or dessert to share and beverage of your choice along with $5 per person to cover the cost of the meat.  Share stories of the day  and meet some of the  other sailors on our lake.

How Sail-Fest’s On-The-Water Meet and Greet Works 

This invite is accompanied with a sailing word. Bring the word while sailing on Saturday, June 21 from 3-5 p.m.

Sail the west end of the lake. Be sure to bring friends. Head towards other sailboats for the meet and greet. Hold up your sailing word for the other participants to see. Remember or write down the sailing words you see from other boats.

Back at the 6 p.m. picnic at the Club House, each sailing word you collect from the sailing meet & greet will be entered in your boat’s name into a drawing. We look forward to seeing you and your friends at Sail-Fest!